
Quoting "The Princess Bride", I'm "no one of consequence". My skills and experiences are uniquely mine and will influence the meanderings along this path. View my profile to see Molly and Moe - my Yorkies.

Monday, March 21, 2005

what's important?

How do you make choices? - whatever suits you at the moment? - intense, deliberate, conscious thought processes? - flip a coin? - the option that gives the most glory? - the path of least resistance?

And why do you make a choice? - are you forced by circumstances? - is it because of internal motivation for change? - for excitement? - for the reactions of others?

While we're moving in this line of thinking - do your financial decisions have any bearing on your emotional health? what about your physical state? - which quadrant carries the most weight in a decision you have to make: physical, emotional, financial or spiritual factors?

Tough questions huh? I realize that most people never question their own choices and how they make them... Am I - wise is decision-making? - intentional in moving toward my goals with each opportunity that presents itself? - choosing good things or the best?


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