

Quoting "The Princess Bride", I'm "no one of consequence". My skills and experiences are uniquely mine and will influence the meanderings along this path. View my profile to see Molly and Moe - my Yorkies.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

one week later - the ongoing AC tale...

same song - new verse... still no AC. It's almost June - time to get serious... Since Monday is a holiday --- expect a call on Tuesday. Sound familiar??? (see last Saturday's post)

am I miserable? --no.
is the upstairs unit running? --yes.
do I have ceiling fans to keep the air moving? --yes.
could I temporarily sleep over at a friend's house? --yes.
do I want the AC repaired? --YES.

It's just the hassle of dealing with it right now. The weather has not been too bed - yet.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

the name - one30nine

How this blog got it's name...'s really not too complicated. 139 is the number of my favorite Psalm. If you haven't read it, please take a minute to do that... Even if you can quote some of it, please just take a few minutes to read it again. There are great reminders about who God is - our Creator, Father, protector...

Saturday, May 21, 2005

end of May - no A/C

OK, so it's been a while. I've had some family stuff happening - moving my Mom from my childhood home, etc... I also had some work to do for a graduate class - can you say waste of time? Add my job and the dogs to that and I haven't posted in two months...

The compressor on my air conditioner is dead. It's Saturday afternoon and the repair guy said expect a call from them by Tuesday... At least it's May and not August!!!!

I've been reading some other blogs lately - Christians who are tech people and/or writers. It's good to hear perspectives from a variety of folks.