
Quoting "The Princess Bride", I'm "no one of consequence". My skills and experiences are uniquely mine and will influence the meanderings along this path. View my profile to see Molly and Moe - my Yorkies.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


2007 is a year of goals - financial, relational, physical and spiritual.

My physical goals include our staff at work being challenged to participate in a 5K on the Saturday of Easter weekend. Another goal is weight loss - I'm enrolled in a WW class at church - and have lost 20 pounds since Thanksgiving. The biggest goal at the moment is a benefit bike ride called the Old Howard 100 set for April 21 at Judson. I'm in 'training' for all three things - eating on a schedule, making better food choices, walking, riding my trainer, etc... The only food I really don't want to 'give up' is Dr. Pepper - I just really like it!!! The biggest food adjustment I've made is going to the grocery store and eating at home MUCH more.

Financially I'm in pretty good shape - I have my taxes almost ready to file for 2006 and it looks like I'm getting a refund. Yeah! I'm also checking into my retirement options and making some investment decisions with the help of a new friend.

Relationships have suffered a bit locally since I have not been eating out so much. I need to work on that one. I've also determined to spend time with my nephew at least once each month - he's 2 1/2 and is growing and changing so FAST. I know that I need to spend time nurturing those relationships that are not local too - apparently I'm not very good at that!

Spiritually, I've been spending time reading through the Bible - in the new ESV version. It's been good to get a new perspective on things I've read so many times before in KJV or NIV. The ladies at work are starting a new study called "Lies Women Believe" soon. I think it will be very good - and it's discussion based instead of video - much more personal and interactive.

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